Who We Are
A Community that is Inclusive, Prayerful, and Worshiping; dedicated to Fostering the Love of Christ, Creating Disciples, Sharing Our Faith, and Nurturing the Needy.
“Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” (John 3:17, NRSV)
Our Priest In Charge

The Rev. Donald Holland was born in Waycross. He was ordained in the Episcopal Church in November of 2016 and began serving as priest-in-charge at St. Andrew’s two months later in January.
He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Brandy, since July 1999. They are the proud parents of two daughters, Carli and Lilli.
Feel free to give him a call at (912) 590-4653 or email him at father_don@outlook.com.
Our Vestry
Stephen Gray – Senior Warden
Jeanette Moorman – Junior Warden
Jamie Hall – Secretary
Shannon Pojedinec
Beth Martyn – Treasurer
Click on the pictures below to learn more about The Episcopal Church and The Diocese of Georgia to which we belong.